Not integrating due to illness or disability
Do you have a serious illness or disability? And are you unable to integrate as a result? Then you may not have to take any exams. This is called dispensation.
You can only get dispensation if you are legally required to integrate under the 2013 or the 2021 civic integration act ('Wet inburgering 2013' or 'Wet inburging 2021').
- Fill in the form 'Aanvraag ontheffing bij ziekte' and send it to DUO. Do not include any medical information.
- You will get a bill from DUO.
- Have you paid? Then you will be examined by an Argonaut doctor.
- The Argonaut doctor writes a letter stating if you can integrate. And if you can take all exams and attend all hours of the course.
- DUO decides if you get dispensation.
- Did you get dispensation? Then DUO will reimburse €225.
Still need to take exams
Does the doctor say that you can integrate? Perhaps you can ask for extra time to integrate.
Is it difficult for you to take the integration exam or Nt2 exam because of an illness or disability? Then DUO can adjust the exam for you.
Naturalization or stronger residence permit
Are you unable to pass the integration exams because of your illness or disability? But do you still want to naturalize or apply for a stronger residence permit? Go to the IND website Link opent externe pagina .