
If you do not integrate in time, and you are not eligible for a prolongation of the integration period, DUO may fine you.

If you do not integrate in time

Are you required to integrate under the 2021 civic integration act? This will happen if you do not complete your integration in time:

  • 2 months before the end of your integration period, you will get a letter from DUO. This letter contains the information DUO has about your integration so far.
  • Once your integration period has passed, you will get another letter from DUO, called 'Vooraankondiging termijnoverschrijding' (pre-announcement of exceeding the integration period). The letter states that DUO may fine you, and the amount of the fine. DUO has yet to decide if you are in fact fined. The amount of the fine may also still change.
  • The amount of the fine is based on the information DUO has about your integration so far. For instance, the number of hours of a course you followed. If DUO doesn’t have all the relevant information, pass on the correct information immediately.
  • If you are fined, you will get a letter stating the amount of the fine and how to pay.

Types of fines

Fine for not completing your learning track in time

This fine never exceeds €1000. When calculating the amount of the fine, we take into account:

  • if you are an asylum status holder, family migrant, or other migrant.
  • which learning track you are following.
  • how many hours of a course you followed. If you are a family migrant or other migrant, only hours of a course with a school listed on (link in Dutch) Link opent externe pagina count.
  • how many times you attempted to pass all exams.
  • how many exams you have passed.

More information about the calculation of the fine (link in Dutch) Link opent externe pagina

Fine Participation statement (PVT)

If you do not complete the PVT in time, you will be fined €340.

Fine Job market and participation module (MAP)

If you do not complete the MAP in time, you will be fined €340.

After the fine: more time to integrate

Even if you are fined, you are still required to complete your integration. You will get extra time to do so.

Learning track not completed

Didn't you complete your learning track in time? How much extra time you get, depends on your situation.

You are following the B1-track or the O-track:

  • If you didn’t pass any exams, you get 2 extra years to integrate.
  • If you passed 1 exam, you get 1.5 extra years to integrate.
  • If you passed 2 exams, you get 1 extra year to integrate.
  • If you passed 3 or 4 exams, you get 6 extra months to integrate.

You are an asylum status holder following the Z-track:

  • If you followed 400 hours or less of a course, you get 2 extra years to integrate.
  • If you followed between 400 and 800 hours of a course, you get 1.5 extra years to integrate.
  • If you followed between 800 and 1200 hours of a course, you get 1 extra year to integrate.
  • If you followed between 1200 and 1600 hours of a course, you get 6 extra months to integrate.

You are a family or other migrant following the Z-track:

  • If you followed 200 hours or less of a course, you get 2 extra years to integrate.
  • If you followed between 200 and 400 hours of a course, you get 1.5 extra years to integrate.
  • If you followed between 400 and 600 hours of a course, you get 1 extra year to integrate.
  • If you followed between 600 and 800 hours of a course, you get 6 extra months to integrate.

PVT, MAP, or both not completed

  • If you did not complete the PVT ('participatieverklaringstraject') in time, you will get 6 extra months.
  • If you did not complete the MAP ('Module Arbeidsmarkt en Participatie') in time, you will get 6 extra months.
  • If you did not complete both the PVT ('participatieverklaringstraject') and the MAP ('Module Arbeidsmarkt en Participatie') in time, you will get 1 extra year.

More than 1 fine

Did you get extra time for not completing your learning track in time? And did you also get extra time for not completing PVT or MAP, or both, in time? The extra time is not combined. The longest period of extra time counts.

If you do not integrate in time

Are you required to integrate under the 2013 civic integration act? This will happen if you do not complete your integration in time:

  • You will get a letter from DUO, called 'Vooraankondiging termijnoverschrijding' (pre-announcement of exceeding the integration period). This letter announces that you have not completed your integration in time and that you will be fined.
  • If you don’t respond, you will get another letter. This letters states the amount of the fine and how to pay.
  • After the fine, you get 2 more years to obtain your integration diploma.
  • If you are an asylum status holder and you were fined, you will need to repay your loan.

Types of fines

Fine for not obtaining your integration diploma in time

This fine never exceeds €1,250. When calculating the amount of the fine, we take into account:

More information about the calculation of the fine (link in Dutch) Link opent externe pagina

Fine Participation statement (PVT)

If you do not complete the PVT in time, you will be fined €340. Also, you won’t be able to borrow any more money from DUO.

After the fine: more time to integrate

Even if you are fined, you are still required to integrate. You get 2 extra years to do so.

I went to school, but DUO does not know

Did you go to school, but is DUO unaware of this? If so, go to your school with the ‘Verklaring deelname inburgeringscursus’ form. You received this form with the letter called ‘vooraankondiging termijnoverschrijding’. Ask your school to complete the form, then send it to DUO. DUO will check the hours.

New bank account number

Are you paying your fine in instalments and did your bank account number change? Let DUO know. Log in to Mijn Inburgering to change it.

  • Log in to Mijn Inburgering
  • Go to: 'Details' and then ‘Person’
Log in problems

If you cannot log in to Mijn Inburgering, please use the ‘Wijziging rekeningnummer’ form.

Moving abroad

If you move abroad, you need to inform DUO of your new address. Please do so using the 'Doorgeven buitenlands adres' form.

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